Consider the Consequences
When people think about “sowing and reaping,” they often think about money. But this biblical concept applies to every area of our lives. For instance, if we sow unforgiveness and selfishness into our relationships, we’ll reap those things back. And if we consume harmful foods and forfeit exercise, we’ll acquire unhealthy bodies. In essence, there are consequences to everything that we do (and don’t do). Nothing in our lives happens by chance.
Total Obedience
MOST CHRISTIANS recognize the importance of obeying God. But, often times, we struggle with obeying God in all areas of our lives. If we’re honest –– which I think we can be –– it’s like practicing piecemeal Christianity. We give God “a piece” of obedience over here (when it feels good), and withhold “a piece” of obedience over there (when it doesn’t feel good). The fact is: Partial obedience is disobedience. And, both obedience and disobedience come with life-changing consequences.
This issue of CALLED Magazine strengthens our ability to obey God –– in every area of our lives. Lord knows, I have my weaker days ... but there comes a point when we should be strong enough, mature enough, and faithful enough to obey God, despite our weaknesses.
In her cover interview, Gloria Copeland (page 30) admits that submitting to God’s Word requires a great deal of discipline. However, she encourages, “In the end, obeying God doesn’t cost. It pays.” Consequently, even when we don’t feel like it, we must offer Forgiveness (page 36), redirect our Negative Thoughts (page 14), and accept God’s Redemption (page 52) –– because that’s what God desires!
It’s time to embrace that Successful Women Think Differently (page 40). They obey God in their marital relationships (page 26), financial decisions (page 22), and even when they’re deciding who to marry (page 60). Most importantly, successful women recognize that obeying God requires that we trust Him.
In the words of biblical scholar Paul Enns, Everything Happens for a Reason (page 48) –– including this thought-provoking, spiritually-tugging issue of CALLED Magazine. So, lets exchange “piecemeal” obedience for total obedience.
Marsha DuCille
Publisher/Editorial Director
Cover: Gloria Copeland
On Our Cover
Gloria Copeland — a renowned Bible teacher, bestselling author, co-founder of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and co-host of Believers’ Voice of Victory broadcast. Her Healing School has facilitated emotional and physical wholeness for people worldwide.
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