Deborah Smith Pegues
Deborah Smith Pegues
Deborah is an international speaker, Bible teacher, and Certified Behavioral Consultant. Her inspiring messages have brought healing to people around the world. She has authored 14 books, including 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue (over 600,000 sold) and Emergency Prayers.
Allison Bottke
Allison Bottke
Allison’s international outreach includes 25 books (including the God Allows U-Turns series, and the Setting Boundaries series). A frequent guest on national radio and television programs, Allison has been featured on James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family,” the “700 Club,” “Praise the Lord,” the “Dr. Laura Show,” and others.
Easy-Breezy Pizza Recipes
Give Them What They Deserve
Today, honor is a lost concept. Children (of all ages) insult their parents, employees bad-mouth their supervisors, citizens disparage the President, and disrespect is casually thrown. Yet, we know this isn’t God’s way of doing things. The Bible teaches us to honor authority. That entails respecting someone’s position, even when we don’t think they “deserve” respect.
The Road to Success - Publisher's Letter
The Road to Success
MOST OF MY FAVORITE BOOKS are biographies, because they generally reveal a successful person’s struggles. I don’t know about you, but, in discouraging moments, I need to know that my failures are stepping stones. For example, have you read the book Made in Japan? It tells the story of Akio Morita – the co- founder of Sony. Before Morita turned Sony into an electronics powerhouse, he tried to market a poor-functioning rice cooker. But that failure redirected his efforts, and helped him turn Sony into a multi-billion dollar conglomerate.
Morita’s story isn’t unique. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who achieved greatly without (first and repeatedly) failing greatly. R.H. Macy launched seven failed businesses, before opening his first successful department store. Harland David Sanders (known as Kentucky Fried Chicken’s “Colonel Sanders”) was rejected 1,009 times, before a restaurant accepted his recipe. James Dyson spent five years creating 5,126 inadequate prototypes, before inventing the first bagless vacuum cleaner. And Winston Churchill was defeated in every public election, until he became Prime Minister at age 62. There are countless other examples, but the lesson is clear: Failure can be our friend, if we use it. Every time we stumble, we tap into a new level of strength to get up. Every time we maintain hope, we open the door to better possibilities. Sumner Redstone (Chairman of Viacom) once stated, “Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustration. Sometimes, it’s built on catastrophe.”
This issue of CALLED will encourage you to succeed – no matter how much you’ve failed. You can Mend Your Broken Heart, Ditch the Clutter, and apply Red-Hot Romance Tips to a challenging marriage. For those in financial trouble, we’ll show you how to Boost Your Financial I.Q., Rethink that House, and swap the shopping spree for 7 Spring Fashion Trends.
Joyce Meyer, arguably the most influential person in ministry, reassures that You Can Begin Again – at any point in your life. Plus, Bishop T.D. Jakes’ daughter (Sarah) exposes her struggles in order to give you hope. So pick yourself up, and let your mistakes be your teacher. Failure can be a friend who directs, redirects, and guides you to success.