Your Unique Definition
AS WOMEN, we confront many definitions of who we should be. Labeled by our families, friends, the media, and society, we can get bombarded (and confused) by so many opinions. But, this issue of CALLED Magazine releases you to embrace God's definition of who you are.
There isn't a "one-size-fits-all" profile for a successful woman. We come in various packages. For many of us, being a wife, mother, career woman, or missionary will be at the center of our heartbeat. And, some of our lives will flow from a different pulse. Whatever your unique definition may be, use this issue to follow the heartbeat God has given you. The Bible is the only defining measure that you'll need.
On page 34, Cookie Johnson (wife of basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson) provokes us to prayerfully listen to our hearts (not our critics) when making decisions about our marriages. After her husband was diagnosed with HIV in 1991, Cookie Johnson stayed with him. She didn't acquiesce to narrow definitions of what a "strong woman" would do in her situation. Instead, she turned to God, relied on His strength, and remained committed to loving her husband.
Similarly, being a God-defined woman will require that you take Strategic Risks (page 54), Prepare for the Unexpected (page 22), and Pray More Effectively (page 50). Contrary to what some sources might tell you, being a supportive and forgiving wife is not a sign of weakness. – It's an indication of strength.
Today, women can be powerful in their homes, communities, careers, and the world-at-large. So if being a wife is a part of your calling, Inspire Your Husband (page 58). And if you've been designed to be an impactful entrepreneur, discover 5 Ways to Grow Your Christian Business (page 26). You can charge forward with God's unique definition of who you are! Therefore, learn How to Deal with Difficult People (page 46) – because they'll always try to pigeon-hole you into a box.
Most importantly, never apologize for embracing your unique definition. – Just confirm that it lines-up with the Word of God.
Cover: Cookie Johnson
On Our Cover
Cookie Johnson — wife of basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson. In 1991, after her husband was diagnosed with HIV, she leaned on her relationship with God. Today, she is an impactful spokesperson for women's health. Cover photo by Hugh Hamilton.
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