MD [to Andrea]: You mentioned that you struggled with insecurity – transitioning from singing in the background to being in the forefront. That seems a bit odd to me, because it takes a lot of guts to commit your life to a man who your family doesn’t like. [Andrea smiles, and Donnie nods]. So, why is a part of you so bold, and another part so insecure?
AM: I just recently had to talk to the Lord about measuring myself against everyone in the music industry – like the Erica Campbells,” the “Kim Burells,” the “Yolanda Adamses,” the “CeCe Winanses,” or whoever else is out there. The Lord had to kinda minister to me that “I’ve given you this assignment. Everyone has their job. Everyone has their place, and this is your assignment. You don’t need to measure yourself against anyone, because you’re you.” The Lord has really been walking me through every instance, and it behooves me to take the lesson.
MD: And this is an ongoing lesson?
AM: Yes, it’s ongoing. Absolutely.
MD: [To Donnie] Do you ever feel insecure at this point in your career?
DM: Always.
MD: Really? Now? Even though you’re a living gospel legend?
DM: It’s just a part of the broken cycle of a person. A lot of things we do, and a lot of things we achieve, we use them as a mask. We use them to finally be something.
MD: That’s deep, and very true.
DM: But when you’re finished parading it before people, you have to go home with you. The broken side is constantly in need of God to heal it. Mine is: I’ve never been married ... and I had a child out of wedlock.
MD: Matthew?
DM: Yes. And not being able to raise him the way Andrea raised her three children – not being able to raise him on your chest, and see him grow up into the child he is now, just seeing him in spurts – those are broken things that don’t heal. I’ve struggled with many different aspects of fear ... and loneliness. Loneliness is the greatest angst that I have.