God Will See
A busy schedule, fatigue, and boredom can tempt us to cut corners from time to time. The Word of God reminds us, however, that "The eyes of the Lord are in every place" (Proverbs 15:3, New King James Version). Although people may not always notice the extent of our labor, be assured that God always sees.
Did You Ignore the Whisper?
Draw Closer
SOMETIMES WE WILL BE TEMPTED by the urge to “prove” ourselves to people. After all, which one of us hasn’t been underestimated or overlooked at some point in life? Nevertheless, Christianity is not about being understood or accepted by people. It’s about walking – hand-in-hand – throughout our spiritual journey – with our Savior, Jesus Christ. He affirms us. He develops us. He strengthens us.
This issue of CALLED Magazine helps readers draw closer to God. Without a genuine, intimate, and consistently growing relationship with Christ, we will be misguided by what people think of us, how we feel about situations, and what we think of ourselves.
In Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus said: "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. [...] Follow me and I'll show you how” (The Message Bible).
Confront, Admit, and Move Forward (page 62) brings us face-to-face with the spiritual and mental barriers that distance us from God. Fasting (page 20) and Spiritual Growth (page 60) usher us into a place of renewed intimacy with the Lord. Food Addiction (page 24) and Dorinda Clark Cole’s stirring testimony (page 28) summon us to pull toward God during our darkest, most trying hours. And Joyce Meyer’s cover interview (page 30) reaffirms that – through an ever-evolving, ever-growing relationship – God longs to refine our character, redefine our motives, rebuild our confidence, and redirect our paths.
Whether you use Business as a Ministerial Platform (page 48), are Single in Ministry (page 44), or are looking for Greener Grass (page 58), now is the time to turbo-charge your walk with Christ.
Marsha DuCille
Publisher/Editorial Director
An Important Message from The Crossing
Ask Dr. Harold
It's not uncommon for women to turn to their girlfriends and sisters for marital advice — but let's face it: Sometimes we need a man to tell us what men think! Dr. Harold L. Arnold Jr. is here to do just that. As CALLED Magazine's marriage and family expert, he provides us with honest and biblical advice from a man's perspective. His professional legitimacy is unparalleled, and his candid-nature is truly insightful.