It Begins at Home
Sometimes it’s easier to love strangers than it is to love family members. Let’s be honest: Our biological families can get on our last nerves! Some relatives take us for granted, only call when they need something, and drag us into mess that we don’t want to be a part of. – But, the Bible teaches that we can’t turn our back on our families.
Drink to Your Health
Hold On - Publisher's Letter
IN TODAY’S WORLD, Christians have to choose between being “politically correct” and biblically correct. And many of us choose the former – out of fear of being misunderstood or negatively labeled. With friends, our families, and even at church, we’ve become reluctant to share biblical truths.
This issue of CALLED Magazine strengthens our spiritual backbone. It reminds us that we don’t have to agree with people in order to love them. In the United States, we can exercise our freedom of speech, stand firm on our freedom of religion, and still walk in love. Therefore, use this issue to Boost Your Brain Power (page 30), Control Your Anger (page 18), and Be Flexible (page 20) to God’s plan. Jesus already warned us about the opposition we would face – so hold on, stand strong, and don’t be surprised when the world doesn’t agree with your faith. “In this world, you will have trouble,” Jesus said. “But cheer up! I have won the battle over the world” (John 16:33, New International Reader’s Version).
While chatting about her new film, King’s Faith, Emmy Award-winning actress Lynn Whitfield stated, “Being a Christian is not always easy. It doesn’t always feel good, and it’s not always convenient” (page 40). So say, Goodbye, Insecurity (page 26). If you’re a business owner, you’ll need confidence to choose Principles before Profits (page 58) – and if you’re in a difficult marriage, your insecurities will try to consume you When Happily Ever After Shatters (page 48). But hold on! Amy Grant’s latest album (page 34) will give you comfort through life’s challenges. And although this world might be a rocky ride, God will get you through it – if you choose to remain biblically correct.
Cover: Amy Grant

On Our Cover
Amy Grant – the six-time Grammy Award winner is known as “The Queen of Christian Pop.” She is among the most successful Christian artists with multi-platinum album sales, and crossover success on the pop music charts.
Goodbye, Insecurity read article
Whether we admit it or not, we all have insecurities. But you can discover a new level of confidence that’s grounded in God-esteem.
Boost Your Brain Power
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Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t only affect senior citizens. It can strike people in their 50s, 40s, and even 30s. Apply these tips, and strengthen your mind. Alzheimer’s – and other types of dementia – can be prevented, slowed down, and even reversed.
Amy Grant read article
It’s been over a decade since Amy released a full- length studio album, and her new project (How Mercy Looks from Here) is worth the wait. In this reassuring interview, she reminds us that God’s love can’t be earned. It’s free, ever-present, and everlasting.
Lynn Whitfield read article
The Emmy Award-winning actress’s new film, King’s Faith, is a must-see for every Christian. It’s an incredible story about trusting God, and looking beyond our personal struggles.
Debt-Free Living
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We asked our financial expert, Amie Streater, important questions about getting out of debt. And her answers will help relieve your financial stress. Whether you have debt, stupid debt, or really stupid debt, Amie’s advice will get you on track.
A Balanced Life read article
How would you define the quality of your life? If words like ungratified and frustrated come to mind, you could use some balance.
Drink to Your Health read article
These refreshing smoothies have healing power!
Control Your Anger read article
From road rage to various forms of outrage, our tempers can get the best of us. Wherever you fall along the spectrum, learn how to control your anger. Don’t let your anger control you.
Be Flexible read article
Plans change, challenges arise, and mistakes happen. So become a flexible woman who looks for alternative options – no matter what life throws her way.
Principles before Profits read article
Some people wonder if being a “public Christian” is a business liability. But if you focus on pleasing God, your business will grow. To augment your efforts, use Chick-fil-A’s recipe for business success.
When Happily Ever After Shatters read article
When Sue Birdseye’s husband asked her for a divorce, she didn’t see it coming. Her story of betrayal (and resilience) offers comfort to those who have been crushed by infidelity and divorce.
Resolve Your Money Issues read article
Without a proper understanding of it, money can create problems in a marriage. By focusing on these three areas, you can resolve a lot of your money issues.
From My Laundry Pile, To Yours read article
Our Editor-at-Large, Monique Hart, delivers an important message to wives and moms. Even on your most chaotic days – and when you feel undervalued and unappreciated – you’re fulfilling a vital calling.
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