Here's the truth: It's common for people to state that their "waiting on God."They ask, "When is my situation going to change? When will God shine His favor upon my life?" But most of the time, we're not actually waiting on God. - God is waiting on us to purify our hearts, and redirect our naughty ways. In the words of a wise woman I once met, "We can't expect Kingdom blessings, while violating Kingdom principles."
God looks into the heart."
The Bible offers countless examples of God promoting, blessing, and using the least likely people. Shepherd-boy David, Stammering-Moses, and Prostitute-Rahab are just a few examples. When God chose them, He wasn't concerned about their qualifications. (Why? Because He's God! He can train and equip anyone for any task.) Rather, God evaluated their hearts. - And He does the same thing with us. Therefore, this New Year, don't settle for simply making cosmetic changes to your life (although spending more time at the gym, and organizing your finances might be beneficial!). Instead, strive higher. Search your heart, and clean out your spiritual closet. That resolution will unlock God's best for your life... this year... and every year after.
Written by: Marsha DuCille - Publisher/Editorial Director
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