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The Power of Our Thoughts

Our thoughts — whether positive or negative — are the building blocks that shape our lives. Who we are, what we feel, and what we eventually do are determined by what we think. James Allen (author of As a Man Thinketh) wrote, "All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."

When was the last time you evaluated your thoughts?

Do your thoughts reflect who you want to be, or do they mirror a person you’d rather leave behind?

The Bible teaches that we must "be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal" of our mind (Romans 12:2, Amplified Bible). This includes replacing negative patterns of thinking that stem from our upbringing and life experiences; it involves exchanging our faulty reasoning for the Word of God.

Renewing our minds with the Word of God is not a one-time or seasonal occurrence.

It’s something that we must do daily, faithfully, for the rest of our lives.

No matter how long we’ve been saved — or how far along we are in ministry — we will have to work hard at dominating negative thoughts. Today we are where our thoughts have brought us, but tomorrow we can be where our thoughts take us. So where will yours lead?

Written by: Marsha DuCille - Publisher/Editorial Director
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